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Open and review your CAD 3D files, Step included, share them with your prospects and customers and focus on your business. And do it all much faster than ever.
Clari3D opens numerous 3D CAD file formats,
for free or with additional
Open a 3D CAD file and review it immediately
with a simple user interface and take measures,
changes the display settings of the model, export it in other
Send the native VIZ file (and so protected) everywhere as it is one of the smallest CAD file format, or send your model by email with our embedded WebGL viewer.
Meet your prospects and customers with your 3D easier than ever.
Export any 3D CAD models on our J3D WebGL
format and put it in your Websites for free (you can also
export directly in HTML with the 3D data
Clari3D is a viewer for 3D files from architecture or mechanical CAD. It also exists in the Lite and Pro versions for Linux, Mac and Windows in order to meet the needs of our customers.
It is designed for non-specialist users and its user interface is simple and intuitive. Immediately, you can review your model, annotate it and change the rendering settings. In addition, there is some debugger tools such as Stepalyzer that allows to deeply analyze a Step file.
Clari3D software are compatible with 3D Connection Space Mouses® in order to make 3D navigation much easier than before.
You can send a VIZ file to your customers; they are able to open it with Clari3D Lite that is not charged. The VIZ file format is one of the most compact in the market.
You can exchange in an even more simple way, sending a 3D model directly by email.
Clari3D generates an email with an attached HTML page that embeds the 3D model and a link to our WebGL 3D viewer. The file can be displayed immediately everywhere without the need to install any additional software as it uses only JavaScript. Clicking in the attached document in the email will open the Web browser and will display the 3D model.
The 3D data are embedded in the HTML file and so, there is no access to any server in order to fetch them (the only thing that is obtained from Internet is our JavaScript viewer, in order to have always the last version). Your data stay strictly confidential and are not put in any server.
Clari3D gives you also the possibility to save a 3D CAD model in HTML. This HTML code can be put in your Website, for free, allowing your visitors to view it.
In order to have more control, you can also save the model in our J3D format for our Web viewer and design the Web page as you want. And this is free of charge!
Writing your custom HTML page is no more complicated than:
<script type="text/javascript"
axis="yes" base="yes" gui="yes" level="expert"
background="yes" tree_wrap="true"
themes="gray opacity rounded shadow"
With its powerful 3D render engine, Software based for Clari3D Lite, OpenGL based for Clari3D and Clari3D Pro, it is able to display huge 3D models in common desktop workstations. In addition, it has real-time rendering optimizations such as Level Of Details (LOD), Rendering Degradation, Details Removal that speed up the rendering during the user interactions.
We have designed Clari3D especially for wide 3D models: Level Of Details, Progressive Scene Degradation, Projected Scene Simplifications are algorithms that dramatically decrease rendering time, in real time.
Clari3D is very optimized in term of memory footprint; it uses for this purpose a custom 3D data structure and a custom renderer developed for years.
In addition, when this is possible, some user interactions are in fact performed in 2D, over the 3D model. This is the case in the quotation tool.
Thus, we have been able to display a 20 million polygons model in a 2006 Macbook with a basic Intel® GMA graphic card!
Clari3D works on Linux, Mac and Windows using the native SDK. You can work with all your customers and be confident that they are able to see your files!
Clari3D is designed with a custom toolkit API that is platform neutral. All the modules speak with this API and so, are platform-neutral. There is of course one module that is deeply platform dependant, the TK module.
In addition, Clari3D uses a GUI description (such as an XML description) and each module sends its description to the TK module. This facilitates porting and independence.
This is a quite big piece of software that is build from more than 1 million lines of written source code in several languages, mainly C, C++, ObjecticeC, Scheme, shell...
If you have plenty of files to convert, Clari3D is associated to a server tool Clari3D Server that is a command line utility for file servers or Web server.
Clari3D Server is a kind of GUI less Clari3D: it is made with the same source code, shares the same libraries and configuration options, but it operates from its command line.
Clari3D Server can be used in Web servers to convert CAD files in VIZ or J3D as soon as they are requested for display. It can also be used in batch mode in order to pre-convert parts of CAD objects that are assembled with the VAS (VIZ Assembly) file format on request. Emerson-Leroy Somer online configurator works with Clari3D Server both in batch mode and in real time.
Clari3D has advanced tools to help you to explore your 3D models.
The tree-view shows the structure of the 3D files with the parts. Parts can be shown or hidden with their check-boxes. The standard and Pro versions allow to edit the rendering attributes (color, transparency, rendering mode, ...).
The hilighting mode in the Pro version makes the relation between the displayed objects and the part list by clicking either on the 3D objects or on the part names in the tree-view.
The hilighted part is displayed normally while the other parts are either hidden, displayed transparently or with their outlines.
The picking mode allows to identify an object in the 3D scene and to select its tree-view entry when clicked.
Send a 3D file in one click, with the 'File/send by email'
The email contains a HTLM file as attachment with all the 3D data inside. The JavaScript clari3d.js viewer is fetched from our Website on request, so your data are not in the Cloud, only in the mail box of the receivers.
In addition, the access to the files can be protected by a password.
And even more: you can export any model in HTML in order to put it in your Web server, for free. For more customization, the J3D can be saved in order to let you customize the way you instantiate our viewer in your Website...
And this is included in Clari3D Lite, for free!
A difficult action in 3D is to "go somewhere" in the model.
Clari3D offers several great tools for that, and the simpler is the Spot tool.
To select a new point of view:
select the tool in the toolbar,
move the mouse on the model; the target point is a small dot in red over the object under the mouse and it will become the target of view and the center of rotation,
click to validate the target dot and enter in the viewing area selection,
The Quote tool in Clari3D takes measures on a 3D model.
The following quotes are available:
distance between vertices,
angle between 3 vertices,
circle between 3 vertices,
Quotes are put inside the 3D model.
Clari3D allows to set per objects the rendering options such as wire-frame or solid mode, color, opacity, etc.
In addition, the light can be customized as you want in order to obtain a semi-realistic view. Shadows and Fog can be used to improve look.
The cut plane is an interactive 3D object that allows to cut the current model.
It has handles on its corners that can be either clicked or dragged. On click, the cut plane is rotated by 90°. On drag, the cut plan is freely rotated, following the movements of the mouse.
In the middle of the cut plan, a handle translates the model on its axis, moving the plan.
The first immediate way to change the light position is to drag the little sun in the logo, at the bottom-right corner of the view.
If the mouse is over the logo, the arrow keys can be used to change the light position as well.
In the Scene module, the light colors can be set individually, such as the ambient color, the diffuse color, etc.
If the light is 'fixed', it is attached in the scene. It is attached to the camera otherwise, meaning that it follows the point-of-view.
In the Pro version, the Light module can manage up to 8 lights.
Each light can be a sun (infinite light) or a spot. Spots can be put anywhere in the scene, providing nice effects.
Sometime, it is needed to put a 3D model in a documentation. Usually, a screen copy of the rendered outlined model is inserted.
However, it should be nicer to insert a vectorial image rather than a bitmap in order to be resolution independent.
Clari3D Pro transforms any 3D model into a full 2D vectorial image with hidden lines written as dashed lines.
The supported output formats are SVG, DXF, Postscript that are full 2D vectorial formats or JPEG...
The skin tool is a window that displays the hidden parts of a model.
Several modes can be used:
wire-frame: display the window interior in wire-frame,
outline: display the outlines,
solid, outline solid: display the interior as solid; it is useful if the exterior of the window is displayed in wire-frame, for example,
cut-plan: make a hole in the window; the depth of the hole can be tuned with the scroll-bar,
Preview 3D is a standalone application and a software component integrated in the Operating System allowing to obtain thumbnail previews from the 3D files.
The previews are displayed in place of the file icon in the file manager, Finder® on Mac, Explorer® on Windows®. Some other applications can take advantage of Clari3D previewing, such as Mail in Mac.
Preview 3D is able to extract a preview image from the files that does not have one, such as STL files that are in pure ASCII. For this purpose, Preview 3D has its own 3D renderer.
With rendered files, hi-resolution images can be generated in the clipboard with transparent background; that is useful for integration in other documents.
It can be use in mechanic, architecture, engineering or communication.
CAD file format |
File extension |
Embedded |
Computed |
3D Studio |
3ds |
x |
3MF Consortium |
3mf |
x |
x |
Ascii Scan |
asc pts |
x |
dwg |
x |
Clari3D |
viz |
x |
x |
Dassault System 3DXML |
3dxml |
x |
Dassault System Catia V5 |
CATProduct CATPart |
x |
Trimble Sketchup |
skp |
x |
igs iges |
x |
Step |
stp step |
x |
STL Stereo Litographics |
stl |
x |
OBJ WaveFront |
obj |
x |
xgl |
x |
In the table, embedded means that the file format has a previewing image inside and computed means that Clari3D Preview is able to compute the preview by itself. For some file formats such as 3MF Consortium, if the file does not have a preview inside, Clari3D will compute it.
Several files can be previewed at the same time by drag & drop in the standalone application. In addition, textures are opened.
This is not a 3D viewer: do not expect to interactively review a 3D file with it.
For the files with preview images inside, this image is used as is with the accuracy it has.
For the files that can be rendered, MacOSX and Windows both forbid the previewing components to open other files; therefore, the textures associated to the 3D files cannot be opened.
In addition, the software component limits itself its computation time and its memory use; this way, a rendering can be interrupted before the preview image extraction in order to preserve the system resources.
This the lite edition of Clari3D that offers all the tools for quick review of your 3D CAD files.
Clari3D Lite allows an easy review and handeling of 3D models. Objects can be shown or hidden from the tree-view.
It uses a software 3D renderer with high resolution.
It opens Step and IGES without attribute, WaveFront OBJ, STL, 3MF, ASCII Cloud of Points ASC and PTS, XGL and 3DStudio 3DS.
Clari3D is the perfect companion of a 3D designers and reviewers.
Clari3D allows easy review and file manipulation. Objects can be shown or hidden and their display settings can be adjusted.
It uses a hardware accelerated 3D rendering engineand includes CAD tools such as the cut-plan.
It can open Step, IGES, WaveFront OBJ, STL, 3MF, ASCII Point Cloud ASC and PTS, XGL files and 3DStudio 3DS files.
Clari3D Pro is our 'all-included' 3D viewer! It includes all the modules and functionalities described here.
Clari3D is a versatile 3D viewer that can be extended with third party software components such as the 3D CAD files readers.
It use the last generation of 3D hardware accelerated rendering engine and it allows to fully review and change 3D files and rendering aspects.
The Pro version can open WaveFront OBJ, STL, 3MF, Ascii Point Cloud ASC and PTS, XGL files, 3DStudio 3DS files, Step and IGES files for free.
IGES reader ≥ 5.3
Step AP20 and AP214
Clari3D Server is the conversion tool designed for the servers such as Web servers. It operates in real time or in batch mode.
Clari3D Server is a server side converter that converts 3D CAD files into our native VIZ file format or in WaveFront OBJ, STL, J3D for our Web 3D viewer clari3d.js or HTML with embedded 3D data.
Clari3D Server can also assemble several heterogeneous files into a single VIZ using its VIZ Assembly file format.
Annual maintenance: 20%.
IGES reader ≥ 5.3
Step AP20 and AP214
Export a 3D file in flat vertorized DXF with form reconstruction (circles, arcs, lines).
License server 10 simultaneous uses of all the products for one year.
This tools allows to use 10 Clari3D products simultaneously in the same network, including all the CAD viewers and readers.
This a one year subscription.
Web exporter level 1, up to 1000 conversions per month.
Generates up to 1000 J3D or HTML files for clari3d.js with your own signature.
Web exporter level 2, up to 5000 conversions per month.
Generates up to 5000 J3D or HTML files for clari3d.js with your own signature.
Web exporter level 3, unlimited number of conversions per month.
Generates an unlimited number J3D or HTML files for clari3d.js with your own signature.
Preview 3D replaces the icon of the supported 3D files by a preview of their contents in your file explorer.
Preview 3D either gets the preview image stored in the file (such as DWG CAD files) or renders the 3D scene with a custom 3D renderer.
It is a software component that is integrated in your system during the installation.
This way, you can see a preview of the CAD files in your explorer, Explorer in Windows or Finder in MacOS.
Preview 3D recognizes 3D Studio, STL, XGL, WaveFront, ASCII points clouds, Step / IGES, AutoCad® DWG™, Trimble Sketchup®, Dassault System 3DXml®, CATPart® or CATProduct®, 3MF Consortium, XGL.
In addition, there is the standalone application that allows previewing of several files by drag & drop.
Notice that this is not a 3D viewer; it is not interactive and for some file formats (ie DWG) it uses the preview image stored in the file, with the quality it has.
Monthly subscription to the online viewer essential options.
These options include the possibility to convert 3D files in realtime rather than in batch mode for a quicker result.
Monthly subscription to the online viewer all options.
These options include the possibility to convert 3D files in realtime rather than in batch mode for a quicker result.
Embedded version of clari3d.js
This version allows you to embedd clari3d.js in either your Web site or your offline application.
It includes additional file loaders for 3MF, AMF, AWD, Collada, DDS, DRACO, EXR, FBX, GCode, GLT, KMZ, KTX, OBJ, PCD, PDB, PLY, PRWM, PVR, STL, TDS, VRML and does not need Clari3D Server.
Annual maintenance: 20%.
Units of service allowing us to meet specific needs.
This product allows to pay for units of service, as custom developments, deployement helps, customizations, etc.
The payment should be done according to our quote...
Clari3D software are supported by Andéor, SAS on the following
editions of Windows 10 – Windows 10 Pro,
Windows 10 Education, and
Windows 10 Enterprise. Clari3D software are supported on the
in-market supported Windows 10 Current Branch for Business (CBB)
servicing branches only and will be supported for the lifetime of the app
until 01/2027.
Clari3D Lite can be obtained from the Ubuntu Spap Store as a Snap package at
Clari3D software can be obtained from either the Apple Store or from this store.
Software gotten from the Apple Store have the benefit to be validated by the Apple engineers.
In addition, one license can be installed to up to three systems, for the same user; for example, a desktop computer and a laptop.
The software are executed in a secured layer called Sandbox. In the sandbox, software have limited access to the data in the computer. This is why, for example, Clari3D is unable to open textures associated to a 3D file.
We have aligned the number of installations per license to three, as in the Apple Store.
The software share completely their source code with the Apple Store versions, so they can be considered as validated as well...
The extensions come with separated setup programs, so the main application is smaller than the Apple Store version that must include all the software components, even if they are separated extensions...
The price is significantly lower than in the Apple Store.
In addition, we provide a money back guarantee during seven days following a purchase on simple request.
You can get our software for several operating systems; be sure that you have selected your operating system in the top menu and the download links will be updated automatically.
When you purchase a software, you can install it in three systems for the same user, whatever is the operating system.
If you can, please prefer regular Clari3D rather that the Lite version or buy Clari3D Preview. This gives us the opportunity to plan further developments and improvements on our software.
Generally, sofwares in the market are updated every year. Customers can obtain the new version with an important rebate, generally 30%.
This is not our policy: when you buy our software, you can be confident to be updated for years, for free. Of course, at a time, there will be charged updates, but this is not yet planed as since 2010,
We plan to merge Clari3D Lite and Pro in the regular product with InApp purchases; Clari3D Light and Clari3D Pro owners will be updated for free with the equivalent features.
Clari3D Lite |
Clari3D |
Clari3D Pro |
Free 3D imports |
x |
x |
x |
Move in the scene |
x |
x |
x |
Display the object hierarchy |
x |
x |
x |
Show room |
x |
x |
x |
Display point of views, annotations and animations |
x |
x |
x |
Export HTML that can be view with the Clari3D Web viewer |
x |
x |
x |
Send a model by email and export in J3D or HTML for clari3d.js |
x |
x |
x |
Advanced high resolution software 3D renderer |
x |
x |
x |
CAD readers |
x |
x |
x |
Step and IGES monochrome reader |
x |
x |
x |
Full attributed Step and IGES reader |
x |
x |
Optimized J3D (80% faster, wide 3D models) |
x |
x |
OpenGL 3.1 hardware renderer |
x |
x |
Shadows projected onto the base |
x |
x |
Cut plan |
x |
x |
3D quotes |
x |
x |
Edit the object's display properties |
x |
x |
Fly mode with optional constant altitude and anti-collision |
x |
x |
Skin (see inside the objects) |
x |
x |
3D model inversion / mirroring / rotation |
x |
x |
New OpenGL 4 hardware renderer |
x |
Realistic shadows |
x |
Export in STL, OBJ, DXF, PovRAY |
x |
Cutplan slice |
x |
2D vectorial print, with optional Postscript, DXF, SVG or JPEG export |
x |
3D cubic environment |
x |
Advanced transparent object display |
x |
Points of view, annotations and animations creation |
x |
Material creator and editor |
x |
3D Model debugger |
x |
File monitor that reloads the file when it is changed in the disk |
x |
3D Model correction |
x |
Stepalyzer, a Step file analyser |
x |
Free 3D imports are available in all the Clari3D line for free. It is regularly extended as soon as we write a new library.
Clari3D is a long term project... Its development was initially planed in three phases:
A nice 3D viewer: allows to review any 3D CAD file in any platforms; this includes animation, slides and some other CAD tools,
Sharing 3D: allows secure sending and receiving 3D files; this leads the design of the Web plug-ins, and more recently the WegGL 3D view clari3d.js,
Clari3D has now reached the second phases. Now our developments are:
Clari3D will be able to triangulate soon! We are finishing a promised point cloud to triangles algorithm that will allow to open a point cloud file and to transform it transparently in a full 3D textured model.
We would like now to include a ray-tracer, GPU optimized, with the capability to generate photo-realistic images and video of animations (this feature was not in our initial plans).
This ray-tracer will focus on light mapping, allowing to analysis the light received in some parts of the model with accurate light descriptions.
We have started the last step, the more ambitious one: create a 3D modeler. As Clari3D is designed to be a viewer, its internal data structures are very optimized; transforming them for modeling is a great challenge but we believe to obtain a very efficient modeler with low memory needs.
You will see in the next releases some functionalities coming from the modeler; probably, the first one will be the ability to move, rotate and scale any 3D objects... The next one will be probably the animation tool able to step the transformations on the objects in order to create complex animations.
and +50000 anonymous customers in the world from the Stores we want to thank a lot for their patience and their support!
Not much to complain about for a free application. The viewer is very fluid and does the job.
tofographe - MacOS 10.7 5
Clari3D has now two killing functions, the ability to put my models online for free and the tool that convert them in SVG 2D.
Good luck for your new products
Robert R - Meca CAD - Germany
I have downloaded the update and it works perfectly !
When i have time I will post on the forums to inform everyone.
Thanks a lot again !!
All the best to the team !
Patrick - Architecture - France
The Web plugin of Clari3D is remarkably stable for a so young software. It is nice to use, fast, and the integration in the Website of our customer is easy.
Andéor is founded in France in 2010 after seven years in R&D.
The Andéor mission is to democratize the use of 3D by allowing everybody to access to any 3D contents everywhere, with any devices.
The Clari3D solutions are in the Apple Store®, the Linux Ubuntu Store®, the Windows Store® and Clari3D Store since 2012 with a frank success.
Andéor SAS
520 295 643 00024 R.C.S. Antibes - TVA intracommunautaire: FR92520295643
26B avenue des Mimosas
06800 - Le Cros de Cagnes, France.
Andéor® and Clari3D® are trademarks on the property of Andéor, SAS.
The Clari3D manual can be viewed online with this
link .
You can ask us a question or leave us a message in our online form support by opening the detail below.
© 2003–2019 Andéor, SAS
Apple, MacBook, the Apple logo, iPad, and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Inc. Ubuntu is a trademark of Canonical, SpaceMouse is a trademark of 3DConnexion, registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Name |
Extension |
Version |
3D Consortium |
3mf |
3D Studio |
3ds |
3, 4 |
ASCII cloud |
asc, pts |
Clari3D |
viz, vop, vas |
1, 2, 3 |
Clari3D Web |
j3d |
1, 2, 3 |
iges, igs |
≤ 5.3 |
stl |
all |
Step |
stp, step |
AP203, AP214, AP242 |
Wavefront |
obj |
xgl |
The online viewer
now supports subscribtions with 4 levels:
Options |
Default |
Connected |
Essential |
Addictive |
Display online 3D model |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Download displayed J3D |
x |
x |
x |
Bounding box |
x |
x |
Animated show room |
x |
2D conversion with H.L.R. |
x |
Parts information |
x |
-- Clari3D Team
Nidec has deployed on 2020 October our JavaScript 3D Web viewer clari3d.js and our batch server tool Clari3D Server in **replacement of the old plug-in based online viewer.
Leroy Somer, the electrical and industrial division at Nidec, world wide leader, uses the Andéor solutions since 2010.
The online configurator with the integrated CAD viewer has dramatically changed the user experience offering an interactive 3D representation of the configured devices. In addition to the viewer, the 2D converter is also integrated in order to generate the six projected DXF views of the configured devices.
The Andéor architecture has simplified a lot the 3D data management and reduced the maintenance costs because only one stream of 3D data is needed while several was needed before (industrial process, 3D viewer, 2D views) with specific modelers and tools.
Parts of the 3D models are pre-converted from Step to VIZ, our closed ultra-compact 3D format, in batch mode by Clari3D Server. When the user generates a device, the XEG+XAO configurator, a division of Schneider Electric Group, generates in real time an ASCII assembly file in VAS format, our ASCII assembly format; then Clari3D Server generates a J3D files for our online viewer clari3d.js. The generated VAS file is also used by Clari3D Server on demand when the user download the DXF 2D models.
-- Clari3D Team
The database has been fixed; it had a ugly desynchronization between users and purchases, avoiding them to update new versions of the software.
If you are in this case, you should be able to recover the setups and update your installations. Do not hesitate to contact our support line in case of problems or questions.
In order to retreive the software activation code:
Just above the invoice, there is the software area; you can see the download top to bottom arrow; chick it to start downloading...
-- Clari3D Team
Our WebGL 3D viewer calari3d.js have been improved in order to allow to open any 3D files from any location.
This is available with the '3D viewer' menu in the home Webpage at Online 3D viewer
With this viewer, you can open directely a file or schedule it for conversion and be informed by email when the translation is done.
-- Clari3D Team
We are please to announce the new version of Clari3D suite and its new Website.
The main changes for Clari3D Pro are:
-- Clari3D Team
Starting to the version 2.0.3, Clari3D Lit now opens Step and IGES files natively.
This will dramatically increase the compatibility with the industry standard and the user needs.
-- Clari3D Team
Clari3D Free is renamed as Clari3D Lit and Clari3D Light is renamed as Clari3D.
These renaming have no impact on the existing license that will be transparently updated.
Best regards
-- Clari3D Team
The next version of Clari3D will allow multi-item selection in the treeview as well as multi-object selection in the 3D scene.
The rendering options of the selected objects may be modified globally instead of changing them one by one.
In addition, the hilighting mode will be able to operate on the multi-selection.
The multi-object selection will be also used by the cut tool in order to cut (optionnaly) only the selected objects.
Later, it will be used by the new tool in preparation that will allow to add 3D models in existing models and then by the Clari3D modeler that will extend Clari3D Pro for free...
-- Clari3D Team
We have just finished the translation of the Website in French, and add the localization capability to our Website compiler HTGen.
The French localized Website is
-- Clari3D Team
Happy new year everybody!
Our bag is not empty: Clari3D Free for Windows, Mac and Linux are available for download, and Clari3D Light and Preview are available for purchase!
Yes, our Website and the new generation of software are now in place! This was a big effort that worth the investment because, now, everything can evolve more easily than ever.
Please be patient if you encounter some difficulties: our support form is here to help you at
Best regards
-- Clari3D Team
Great day! Clari3D Free, Light and Preview 2.0.0 are just validated by Apple engineers and are available in the Apple Store as a free upgrade for existing customers!
The new Website is now finished and is moved to the beta state. Deep reading and English corrections are in progress (If you find a spelling error, feel free to inform us, we will appreciate your help!).
We need to validate the PayPal® payment method and switch to true PayPal instead of Sandbox PayPal.
Clari3D Free are built for Windows, Mac and Linux. Installation packages should be uploaded soon.
We would like to thank a lot the early users who have registered their account! Thank so much you for your interest. Your work will not be lost: your account will not be deleted and you will be notified when the software is available.
Users registered in will be transferred automatically in and the new version of their software will be made available. You will receive an email with a new activation number for the new activation scheme and your download links...
Changing the name of several applications as well as the licensing scheme can be a tedious task, and it is! Every link to the old name must be removed, all the URL, documentations, comments need to be changed...
Clari3D Free is now finished and tested for Mac and Windows. We are currently working on the renaming of the server tools...
-- Clari3D Team
The new Website is started with an original design based on the last cutting edges technologies of the Web:
We have designed for this purpose a Website compiler that generates static Web pages.
In addition, we have renamed 'caniviz' as 'clari3d', with the new logo.
We are finishing our WebGL CaniVIZ viewer integration: caniviz.js is a tremendous 3D viewer for the Web browsers.
From CaniVIZ Free, Light and Pro, everyone will able to save a file in either J3D (our custom 3D format for the Web) or directly in HTML with the J3D file embedded inside and put in the Web (The caniviz.js functionalities however will depend on the used CaniVIZ generator).
In addition, we have added a nice feature in the 'File/Send by email' menu of CaniVIZ: in one click, the current file can be send by email to any receivers, either in VIZ our in HTML. With the HTML format, the receiver will be able to display the 3D file without the need of installing any software...
In the future, the files sent will be optionally 'managed' ; this means that they will be stored in our server, and any receiver will be able to annotate it; the annotations will be dynamically shared between all the receivers.
The Windows version of the CaniVIZ suite has been update in out Store in order to correct a potential software activation problem that can occur in some systems, avoiding activation.
CaniVIZ Pro 1.1.3 ans CaniVIZ Light now have true volume shadows for nice 3D rendering. CaniVIZ Free now has protected shadows onto the 3D base.
The AutoCAD DXF/DWG reader is now free of charge. It can be "purchased" at a 0 cost from our store and Ubuntu Store, and it is a free of charge InApp purchase in the Apple App Store.
We are proud to announce that CaniVIZ 3D Viewer 1.1.12 is released and pushed in the Apple Store, the Linux Ubuntu Store and the CaniVIZ Store.
This release is available free of charges for our customers, as usual.
It fixes some minor features for all the OS and a big issue for Mac, in the user interface.
CaniVIZ Support
The last update of CaniVIZ 3D Preview 1.1.13 now works with Trimble Sketchup files, as a bug is now fixed! This is nice to have a preview in Finder. It just has been approved by Apple App Store reviewers.
Notice that the Windows version does not have this bug and works well to with Trimble Sketchup files.
We are proud to announce the new Website at where you can create and use your 3D workshop in the cloud.
These workshops allow, for free, to store, share and display files, even 3D files. The 3D files can be converted in our 3D VIZ ultra-compact format online, for free too.
Texts, images, sounds, PDFs and 3D files can be viewer online. All the files are versioned.
We are very happy to announce that we have made CaniVIZ 3D Free available for free in order to let more users use this exiting software.
It is available at the Apple Store, the Linux Ubuntu Store and the CaniVIZ Store.
A new version of CaniVIZ 3D Preview is submitted to the Apple Store today.
This release has the following changes:
CaniVIZ 3D Preview is a tool that replaces the 3D file icons by a thumbnail of their contents. What is nice with CaniVIZ Preview is that it allows to generate a preview for file formats that does not have a preview image inside, such as STL that is pure ASCII file.
CaniVIZ 3D Preview comes with a plug-in that is used by the system to generate the preview in the Finder or in other places where preview are allowed, and with an application that allows drag and drop.
CaniVIZ 3D preview handle the following formats: 3D Studio, STL, WaveFront, ASCII point cloud, Step / IGES, AutoCad® DWG™, Trimble Sketchup® or Dassault System 3DXml®, CATPart® and CATProducts®.
Notice that the rendered files are rendered without the textures due to the Apple QuickLook technology that is protected by a sandbox, and some wide files cannot be rendered due to time and resources limitations.
CaniVIZ 1.1.10 for Windows, Mac and Linux is released and available in the Apple Store, Ubuntu Store, and CaniVIZ Store as well as CaniVIZ 3D Preview for Windows and Mac.
This new version fixes some rare problem with binary STL files and the Pro version for Mac and Windows is now able to import many CAD files with optional modules:
in addition to the previous readers:
CaniVIZ Free, Light and Pro 1.1.7 are now in the Apple Store, Linux Ubuntu Store and CaniVIZ Store as a free update.
They now support 3D SpaceMouses from 3DConnexion to ease scene manipulations.
The Linux version has also been updated to correct an OpenGL error in 64 bits systems.
Our new CAD readers are in progress for all the platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux). They will read ACIS, CADDS, CATIA 4 to 6, CERCON, CEREC, CGR, DCM, Inventor, JT, ParaSolid, Siemens PLM/XML, ProCera, Pro/E, SolidEdges, SolidWorks, Unigraphics and VDA... Planned in August...
Step and IGES are readable for free in CaniVIZ Windows and Mac... For Linux, it is planned in August...
Dassault System Spatial Interop is our CAD file format readers (Step, IGES, CATIA, Pro/E, etc).
They have chosen to change their licence in a way that is clearly unfriendly for start-ups and small business companies. This group only focus on money and profit without any consideration for investment in the future. This is very inglorious for this French company.
But finally, this good news for our customers because we now have a second source CAD reader that is much more efficient (models are smaller and more beautiful), much more small (the binary libraries are about 30MB while Spatial Interop was +250MB!) and with a much more affordable price... In addition, the readers will be available for Windows, Mac and Linux!
We are working very hard to make available the new CAD readers.
CaniVIZ Pro 1.1.5 now includes a Step and IGES reader for free.
CaniVIZ 3D solutions have obtained the Microsoft's Windows 8 platform ready certification.
CaniVIZ Free & Light 1.1.4 for Linux are available on our Website and at the Linux Ubuntu Store free of charge for the customers. They are compatible with the last official Ubuntu Linux 12.10 and previous.
In our Store, the Debian, Redhat and Slackware packages will be available.
This Privacy Policy describes the policies of Andéor, SAS. (collectively "Company" or "we", "us", or "Andéor") regarding the information we collect or receive about our customers. It is applicable to the,, websites and other interactive features, applications, services, or downloads that are operated by Andéor and which are available through the websites produced and maintained by us ("Website"). We have established this security and privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") to let you know the kinds of personal information we may gather, why we gather your information, what we use your personal information for, when we might disclose your personal information, and how you can manage your personal information.
Along with the personal information which we gather or which you provide to us (for example, when you sign up for a newsletter or other mailing list, you comment on a blog or forum we operate, you purchase something from us, or we provide customer service to you), this Privacy Policy describes our policy regarding files which you upload to or store on the Clari3D Server ("Customer Data").
When you provide personal information and/or Customer Data, you are consenting to the manner in which Andéor will collect, use, disclose and otherwise manage your personal information and Customer Data, as set out in this Privacy Policy.
If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Website, software, or Clari3D Server. We reserve the right to modify or amend the terms of our Privacy Policy from time to time without notice.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or don't see your concerns addressed here, you should contact us by email at
One of the basic principles we've tried to follow in designing this Website is that we ask for only the information we need to provide the service you've requested. As a result, what information we collect and store depends almost entirely on how you choose to make use of our Website and our services. In addition to information which you explicitly and knowingly provide, some cinformation is collected incidentally such as:
We may use your information to provide you with important information about the product or service that you are using, including critical updates and notifications. In general, we do not use your information beyond the purpose for which you provided it to us. For example, if you ask us a question by email, or subscribe to a mailing list, we will not send you product announcements or other promotional communications in response (unless that is what you requested). We do not sell, barter, or rent your personal information.
We do use your information internally to understand how people use our Website, services, and software and to make improvements.
In the event we wish to publicly post any of your personal information on a website (as, for instance, a letter), we will contact you with details and ask for your express permission to publish that information and will not publish without your express permission.
If you have subscribed to any Clari3d newsletter you may unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions located within each newsletter and on our Website, or by contacting us.
We gather general non-specific statistics about Customer Data that will help us improve the service, such as the amount of storage you are consuming on our servers, user-agent information sent in HTTP headers, or overall usage patterns. In rare cases we may examine metadata such as file names or synchronization client state in order to understand how the service is performing.
We occasionally have third party agents, subsidiaries, affiliates and partners that perform functions on our behalf, such as marketing, analytics, credit card processing, shipping or stocking orders, fraud protection, etc. These entities have access to personal information only to the extent needed to perform their functions. They are contractually obligated to maintain the confidentiality and security of that personal information and are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose.
If you provide information to us for the purpose of making it public (for example, on a mailing list, blog, or forum that we operate), we cannot control what other parties may do with that information once it is public. Please be careful about what you disclose and do not post any information that you expect to keep private.
We may also use or disclose personal information or Customer Data if required to do so by law or in the good-faith belief that such action is necessary (a) to conform to applicable law or comply with legal process served on us or the Website; (b) to protect and defend our rights or property, the Website or our users, or © under emergency circumstances to protect the personal safety of us, our affiliates, agents, the users of the Website, or the public. In cases where we must disclose personal information or Customer Data, we will send email to the address registered to any accounts affected by that disclosure.
Most information we collect may be stored indefinitely.
If you purchase a software or service in our Website, we do not have any knowledges of your credit card or even the paymennt method you used as the purchase process is entirely managed by Paypal, Inc. We only recieve payment notification. We keep a copy of the invoices for ever for legal reason.
We maintain backups of Customer Data in order to recover from hardware failures or other problems. These backups are not kept longer than two years.
We are committed to protecting your personal information and Customer Data. We use a variety of technologies and procedures to help protect your personal information and Customer Data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.
We limit access to your personal information or Customer Data to only our employees and third parties who need access for purposes described in this Privacy Policy. They are contractually obligated to maintain the confidentiality and security of that personal information, are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose, and are subject to disciplinary action, including possible termination and civil and/or criminal prosecution, for failing to do so.
If a password is used to help protect your accounts and personal information and Customer Data, it is your responsibility to keep your password confidential. Do not share this information with anyone. If you are sharing a computer with anyone you should always log out before leaving a website or service to protect access to your personal information and Customer Data from subsequent users.
While we use reasonable security measures to safeguard your personal information and Customer Data once we receive it, no transmission of data over the Internet or any other public network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. You should know that no company, including Andéor, can fully eliminate security risks associated with personal information or Customer Data. Accordingly, Andeor cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us on our Sites.
If you use our Website outside of the United States, you understand that we may collect, process, and store your personal information in the United States and other countries. The laws in the U.S. regarding personal information may be different from the laws of your state or country. Any such transfers will comply with safeguards as required by relevant law. If applicable, you may have a right to claim compensation for damages caused by a breach of relevant data protection laws.
If you are a resident of the EEA or Switzerland, the following information applies.
Purposes of processing and legal basis for processing: As explained above, we process personal data in various ways depending upon your use of our Website. We process personal data on the following legal bases: (1) with your consent; (2) as necessary to perform our agreement to provide services; and (3) as necessary for our legitimate interests in providing the Website where those interests do not override your fundamental rights and freedom related to data privacy.
Right to lodge a complaint: Users that reside in the EEA or Switzerland have the right to lodge a complaint about our data collection and processing actions with the supervisory authority concerned. Contact details for data protection authorities are available from the European Commission website.
Transfers: Personal information we collect may be transferred to, and stored and processed in, the United States or any other country in which we or our affiliates or subcontractors maintain facilities. Upon the start of enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we will ensure that transfers of personal information to a third country or an international organization are subject to appropriate safeguards as described in Article 46 of the GDPR.
Your Rights: Residents of the EEA and Switzerland are entitled to rights under Chapter III of the EU General Data Protection Regulation or Section 2 of the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection with respect to the processing of your personal data, including rights to request erasure of personal data or object to our processing of personal data. In order to verify your identity, we may require you to provide us with personal information prior to accessing any records containing information about you.
We do not sell or ship any items ordered through this Website directly to anyone who we know to be under the age of 13, nor do we collect any personal information from anyone who we know to be under the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13, you should use this Website only with the involvement and consent of a parent or guardian and should not submit any personal information to us. Our Website is not intentionally targeted to children under the age of 13.
To use some features of this Website, or our software, you may be asked to set up an account and provide a functional email address and password. You should be careful about providing your password to others - you are responsible for the actions of anyone you've shared your password with. No one at Andéor will ask for your password; if they do, you should not provide the information and should email to report the incident so we can investigate.
The Website is published in the United States. U.S. law shall govern in any and all disputes, including privacy or defamation issues or otherwise.
If you are a California resident, California law permits you to request certain information regarding the disclosure of your personal information by us and our related companies to third parties for the third parties' direct marketing purposes. To make such a request, please send your request, by mail or email, to:
Andéor, SAS Le Sonora B 71 avenue de la Lanterne 06200, Nice - France
As our company and Website continue to develop, we may add new services and features to our Website or products. If these additions affect our Privacy Policy, this document will be updated appropriately. We will post those changes prominently so that you will always know what information we gather, how we might use that information and whether we will disclose it to anyone. We do, however, recommend that you read this Privacy Policy periodically in case you missed any changes to the Privacy Policy.
If you have previously opted to subscribe a Clari3D mailing list, you may always opt-out of receiving future e-mail messages and newsletters by ending your subscription. Unsubscribe instructions are located within each newsletter and on our Website, or you may contact our Customer Service Department.
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If you wish to cancel your password, please contact our Customer Service Department by email at
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This Website is generated by HTgen, a Website compiler designed by Andéor.
The big advantage of compiling Websites is to speedup the page generation by the Web server because the pages are already composed...
The main advantages of htgen are: